I've read self help books, gone to lectures, watched inspiring videos & movies, listened to inspiring music... and where am I.
Not much further than when I started.

Is this the fault of what I've been reading, watching or listening or is it the fault of me?

I currently believe no self help advice or inspirational message is bad, it wholly relies on what works for you.

This is me figuring out what works for me... hopefully helping others along the way.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Can Do It

Well, it's been a while, obviously lost my flow again. However in the mean time I did go to the amazing seminar "I Can Do It" with many authors from Hay House speaking including the amazing Louise Hay herself. She is now 82 I think and she signed books for 2 hours!! When mine was signed I asked to hold her hand for a moment as I felt she would have that aura of peace around her that some amazing people have - and it was so true. I got an amazing feeling of love and acceptance.

I also got my book signed by Suzi Orman. In her lecture she asked us to think of an affirmation to believe we are financially successful. When she asked, I told her that my affirmation was to be financially successful to buy things for other people - she said "No, it is for you first and foremost then she actually didn't let me go until I repeated the affirmation that I was financially successful for my own benefit. She made me say it to her about 4 times! There were still people in the line behind me but she gave me that extra time to help me!

I ended up going a bit crazy and buying books from all the lecturers there, in some cases a number of books - so I have plenty to go through!

Everyone was so amazing and uplifting and had a wonderful message.

I have already read Louise's "You Can Heal Your Life". I will go back through it now. I think it is a good  idea to read a book through once then go back through chapter by chapter looking more closely. Gives you that much more ability to take it in on the second time. I will also be reading "You can heal your body", while discussing the former here so I can move on to discussing the latter straight after.

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