I've read self help books, gone to lectures, watched inspiring videos & movies, listened to inspiring music... and where am I.
Not much further than when I started.

Is this the fault of what I've been reading, watching or listening or is it the fault of me?

I currently believe no self help advice or inspirational message is bad, it wholly relies on what works for you.

This is me figuring out what works for me... hopefully helping others along the way.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Believe your life is great... and it will be

Over the last half year I have been doing my very best to remain in a positive frame of mind, remembering advice given at Louise Hay's You Can Do It workshop as well as from the books mentioned here. Now I'm not saying I'm in any way near where I want to be, but just opening yourself up to change allows for the universe to do it's best to help you also.

When I first heard of affirmations I thought they were nice but didn't think they could work - especially those about money. How on earth can saying I have money when I don't, bring me money???

I don't remember to do affirmations all the time but I believe I opened the gateway wide enough to allow for good luck to enter into my life.

In the last week of my children's school last year I bumped into a good friend that I hadn't seen for a while. She wasn't aware that I had decided to move my son to an austism specific school this year. This conversation led to my sons schooling being why I left my last job and some monetary pressures because of this. After this I remembered that my son's new school was 5 minutes away from the business she owns, and to lighten the topic I mentioned this to her. Out of nowhere she said 'Oh, I'm looking for an office manager!'  My first reaction was to ruin this for myself by saying that I'd never been a manager before, she said it is really a reception/administration role, and asked for my resume.

I thought I'd have no chance and would let her down, however when sitting down to write the things I did at my last job, I realised that I actually knew how to do an amazing amount. Regardless of feeling worthless at my last job, my skills actually translated in a positive way in this new possibility.

Needless to say... I got the job!! It's part time, only 11 hours at present, however it is perfect for me. I am so happy too! I'm still in training, and the only reactions I've had have been amazingly positive, being told I'm smart, I've picked things up fast, I'll be great at this, they're not worried about my ability to do this job at all. It is also at a wellness clinic (chiropractic, massage etc), with a lovely atmosphere. I'm also encouraged... in fact it is a key part of my job to welcome and chat to customers! I'm supposed to know them by face, or even the sound of their voice on the phone.

I consider myself to be very fortunate and firmly believe that this good fortune is a direct result of allowing positive beliefs to come into my life.

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